Fair Trade - Bean Ground & Drunk

coffee bean

Classic Medium Roast Coffee Beans

Our coffee is sourced from premium organic growing regions and roasted fresh in the heart of Melbourne. Both the dry and wet aromas are earthy and floral. This medium roast blend has a smooth and rich body, balanced mouth feel with subtle pleasant floral notes and a hint of dried plum at the aftertaste. You’ll also notice licorice and white pepper aromas, followed by a crisp pear flavor and lingering notes of fresh grass and barley.

Origin: Peru, Ethiopia

Aroma: Jasmine, Blueberry, Pear, Barley



來自土壤肥沃的有機種植區,並在澳洲墨爾本市中心新鮮烘焙,中度烘焙令咖啡芳香濃郁、口感絲滑,味道均衡。味道略帶花香和梅子香。 您亦會品嚐到清新的甘草香和白胡椒香氣,以及連綿不絕的梨香和大麥餘香。
豆源: 秘魯、埃塞俄比亞
香氣: 茉莉,藍莓,梨,大麥



Espresso Dark Roast Coffee Beans

The Espresso is a darker roast created in response by fans of the Classic seeking a stronger blend. Expect a delicious dry aroma of earthy moss and smoked nuts. This is a strong, robust blend with a full body. A lively acidity sparkles on the cheek, evenly balancing with earthy notes of malt, dark chocolate and blackberry on the finish.
Origin: Peru, Columbia and Ethiopia.


經由深度烘焙的特濃咖啡,讓經典咖啡愛好者得以尋求更濃烈的口感。 配合堅果的香氣,讓特濃愛好者感受咖啡入口後的那種厚實、濃稠的口感,帶有良好平衡的酸度,均勻地平衡了麥芽、黑朱古力和黑莓的餘香。

豆源: 秘魯、哥倫比亞及埃塞俄比亞


Decaff Medium Roast Coffee Bean

Bean Ground & Drunk’s award winning organic decaffeinated roast injects subtle nutty flavours with a full-bodied toffee finish using the pure Swiss Water Process, perfect for preserving the natural aromas and essence of unadulterated coffee.

Origin: Peru



Bean Ground & Drunk 屢獲殊榮的有機低因咖啡採用純淨瑞士水進行脫因處理,美妙的堅果味加上濃郁的太妃糖味,保留了天然的咖啡香氣和純正的咖啡精華。

咖啡產地: 秘魯

