[Pre-order 預訂] Dalla Corte - STUDIO
[Pre-order 預訂] Lead time 所需時間 : 3-4 months 3-4個月
Compact, accurate, efficient. The new Studio is an espresso machine with professional soul and household attitude: it fits perfectly at home, at the office or in small shops.
Be your own barista 做你的個人咖啡師
Ease of use, thermal stability and performance consistency make the Studio an ideal espresso machine for professional experimentation. Her digital display controls all parameters; on/off timer; automatic cleaning program: these are only some of the new functions that can help you become a great home barista.
Latte art 拉花藝術
Studio has been equipped with the same steam wand we put in as standard on all Dalla Corte professional machines: a powerful tool able to graduate optimal frothing, for a prize-winning cappuccino.
Studio義式濃縮咖啡機配備的蒸氣奶棒與其他Dalla Corte專業級咖啡機相同,都有足夠的力度製造最理想的奶泡,甚至可以媲美冠軍級的泡沫咖啡。
Personalization 個人化
Your espresso follows your style. Studio can be customized however you prefer, choose one of the many possibilities of the RAL palette. The coffee machine that is able to adapt to your personality, your space and stile of living.